One comment on “Is Rome the Mystery Harlot City Babylon?

  1. I was about to give a lengthy response until I realized that you had linked to Jonathan Welton’s article showing that “the harlot” is not Rome.

    Briefly, and you may already know this, “the harlot” in Revelation is also known as “the great city” and “Babylon the great.” The “great city” is first mentioned in Revelation 11:8 and is said to be “the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” Jesus, of course, was crucified in Jerusalem.

    It’s no surprise that Jerusalem would be called the harlot city in Revelation. Jeremiah is one prophet who had called Jerusalem by the same name during his ministry. And Jesus often referred to the people of Jerusalem and Israel as “adulterous”, “wicked”, “evil,” etc.The way the woman was arrayed in Revelation 17 mirrors the clothing of Israel’s high priest, among other parallels to old covenant Judaism.

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